4Cyte Pathology is a privately-owned pathology company with a room located within the Parkhill Medical Centre, providing a wide range of pathology services six days a week.

Their highly experienced team of pathologists, specialists, and scientists offer exceptional service to all patients and clients.

The pathology services offered at Parkhill Medical Centre include collection of blood, urine, and other samples, as well as testing and analysis of these samples. The collection staff is highly trained and experienced, offering a quick and convenient specimen collection experience for patients.

In addition to collection services, 4Cyte Pathology also offers home visits for patients who are unable to attend their collection rooms. This ensures that everyone can receive the pathology services they need, regardless of their mobility or location.

Overall, 4Cyte Pathology is committed to providing exceptional service to all patients and clients, and their availability at Parkhill Medical Centre makes accessing pathology services more convenient and accessible for the local community.

Opening hours:
Monday-Friday: 8:30am – 4:30pm
Saturday: 9:00am – 1:00pm

Get accurate and timely results with our comprehensive pathology services

Make an Appointment